Tomasz Gajewski – Political scientist, PhD in humanities. He specializes in United States foreign and security policy in MENA (dissertation thesis: “United States foreign policy towards conflict in Lebanon 1981-1984), and international relations.

He is an author of scientific papers on international relations and security, including “Conflict in Lebanon as a source of potential threats for EU’s security” (“Dimensions of security on the threshold of 21st century”, ed. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2010), “Asymmetry in Islamic Republic of Iran’s security policy” (Ed. National Security Bureau, Warsaw 2011), “The Origins of the anti-Americanism in the Middle East” (Ed. Bialystok University Press, Białystok 2013).

He co-authored and co-hosted radio broadcast on international affairs and worked on European projects for the NGO.

Co-founder of Libs TV. Currently working in financial sector.